Monday, 4 April 2016



Tech landing techniques are the same as those used in the long jump, except that some jumpers sit out in landing rather than falling forward, as in the long jump.

Today, shot putters are using two styles in throwing. they are 1. the glide (O'Brien) and the spin (discus-turn)

glide style: with the putter facing opposite the direction of the throw, he glides across the circle, lifts the shot with the back, hips, and legs, and then explodes with the arm. technique

a). grip: The weight of the shot is placed where the fingers meet the palm of the hand. The thumb and little finger support and guide the shot. The three middle fingers are used for power.

b). shot placement: the shot is held against the neck under the jaw bone underneath the ear.

c). starting position: the putter stands at the back of the circle with the right foot in the 11 o'clock position. The putter keeps the eyes focused on a focal point in the back of the circle, with the non-throwing arm and shoulder kept square and held back.

d). glide; from the starting position, the body weight drops down over the right leg, raising the left leg. The left leg makes an easy swinging motion toward the throwing direction. at the same time, the right leg begins its pushing action across the circle, this is a ball-to-heel motion that causes a stretching action, not a hopping or jumping movement. as the body weight moves toward the front of the circle, the right leg snaps underneath the thrower to the middle of the circle in the 9 o'clock position. the left leg lands at the same instant in the 5 o'clock position just to the left of the line of direction.

e)  throwing (power) position: this position at the front of the circle is called the power position: it is the key to a successful through. feet and hips are turned  to the left side of the circle, the head faces the back of the circle, body weight is over the right leg, and the right and left legs are bent.


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