Approach run:
experienced throwers will use an approach run of 13 to 17 strides-inexperienced throwers will use fewer strides. on the balls of the feet with hips high
b. free arm to swing more across the body
c. carrying arm to flex to maintain carry position of the javelin
d.speed to match athlete's physical and technical abilities.
The aim is to ensure the withdrawal movement does not affect the athlete's momentum. a check mark can be used to indicate start of the withdrawal phase that commences with the right foot and lasts for two strides. the check mark the athlete accelerates ahead of the javelin rather than physically pushing the shoulders and javelin rather than physically pushing the shoulders and javelin back
b. head remains facing in the direction of throw
c. maintain hips at right angles to the direction of running
d. drive the right leg forwards and upwards to help maintain the correct position of the hips
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