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Tuesday, 5 April 2016

General competitions rules

General competitions rules: The athletics facility Any firm, uniform surface, which conforms to the specifications in the IAAF track and field Facilities manual, may be used for athletics. Track and field competitions under rule 1.1(a) may be held only on synthetic surfaced facilities Conforming to the IAAF performance specifications for synthetic surfaces and which hold a Current valid IAAF class 1 athletics facility...

Track events

Track events: rules 163.2, 163.6 (except under rules 230.11 and 240.10), 164.2 and 165 also apply to sections vll, vlll, and ix. track measurements 1.the length of a standard running track shall be 400m. it shall consist of two parallel straights and two bends whose radii shall be equal. the inside of the track shall be bordered by a kerb of suitable material, approximately 5cm in height and minimum 5cm in width. 2.If...

Medical delegate

Medical delegate The medical delegates shall have ultimate authority on all medical matters. He shall ensure that adequate facilities for medical examination, treatment and emergency care will be available at the site of the competition and that medical attention can be provided where athletes are accommodated. The medical delegate shall also have the authority to arrange for the determination of the gender of an athlete should...

General technical rules

General technical rules: General All international competitions, as defined in rule 1.1(a),(b),(c) and (f), the following officials should be appointed internationally a. organisational delegates (s) b.technical delegate(s) c.medical delegate d.doping control delegate technical officials/international cross country, road running and mountain running officials/area technical officials race walking judges/area...


Recovery: The left foot remains grounded and the right leg is brought past it to halt the athlete. the amount of space needed to stop before the scratch line depends on the amount of horizontal momentum. This is typically 1.5 to 2 metres. adjustment of the check mark is required to achieve optimum distance on the runway. Types of track: tack is classified into two types 1.standard track-400 meters track. 2.non-standard...

Monday, 4 April 2016


Transition: The aim of the transition phase, also known as the cross-over is to place the right foot ahead of the athlete's centre of gravity  as to produce the characteristic lean back. this must be achieved by advancing the right foot forward and not by leaning back. Right foot remains close to the ground to maintain forward momentum b.right heel makes contact with the ground c. as the right foot is advanced forward...

Approach run

Approach run: experienced throwers will use an approach run of 13 to 17 strides-inexperienced throwers will use fewer strides. on the balls of the feet with hips high b. free arm to swing more across the body c. carrying arm to flex to maintain carry position of the javelin d.speed to match athlete's physical and technical abilities. Withdrawal: The aim is to ensure the withdrawal movement does not affect the athlete's momentum....

Javelin throw

Javelin throw: The javelin throw action can be divided in to six parts 1.grip 2.carry 4.transitional and impulse strides 6.release Javelin grip: (a) strong, stable grip is acquired. the grip must remain firm behind the ledge made by the binding (cord), and the javelin must run down the length of the palm and not across it. (b) The fingers, which are not secured behind the binding, must press firmly on the javelin...

Discuss throw

Discus throw: a) grip: the thrower holds the discuss on the last crease of the fingers with the fingers spread or the first two fingers placed together. b). preliminary swings: The thrower begins by standing at the circle with the legs bent slightly and the weight on the balls of the feet, the thrower initiates several preliminary swings, shifting the weight from the right foot in a horizontal plane. c). turn: at the end...


Landing: Tech landing techniques are the same as those used in the long jump, except that some jumpers sit out in landing rather than falling forward, as in the long jump. Shotput: Today, shot putters are using two styles in throwing. they are 1. the glide (O'Brien) and the spin (discus-turn) glide style: with the putter facing opposite the direction of the throw, he glides across the circle, lifts the shot with...

Triple jump

Triple jump: Formerly called the hop step, and jump, the triple jump is an event requiring good speed, great leg strength, and excellent coordination. Proper knee action, with thighs parallel with the ground, and equal rhythm are the keys to good performance. The technique in the triple jump can be broken down in to the approach, plant/take off, flight, and landing. Approach: To ensure hitting the take...

Long jump

Long jump: The long jumper must possess good sprinting speed, a rhythmic, consistent stride pattern and powerful jumping ability. The basic technique of the long jump can be broken down into four phases. They are the run-up, plant/take off, flight and landing. a) the run-up approach: during the approach, the jumper must get to the take off board with maximum controlled speed and be in a position to lift. Therefore,...


Hurdling: Hurdling is rhythmical sprinting action and should be done with as little deviation from sprinting as possible. Clearing a hurdle is a run over action, not a jumping movement, and all hurdling is taught with this concept in mind. The physical attributes of height of height or good leg split, speed, flexibility, and coordination along with the mental qualities of courage, patience, and concentration are important...

Race finishing techniques

Race finishing techniques: Athletes uses the following three methods in finishing races: 1. run through technique 2. drop finish technique 3.shoulder shrugging technique 1. run through technique: In this type of finish the athlete, without keeping the consideration of finishing point, reaches the destination with full speed as it is. 2.drop finish technique or lunge: In this type of finish the athlete, when the finishing line...

Runs start and finishes

Runs start and finishes: In short distance races, 3 types of starts recognise: 1.bunch start  2. medium start 3. elongated start 1. Bunch start: For this type of start the distance between blocks should be 8 to 10 inches. The next block should be 19 inches away from the starting line. An antlete bends in the block in forward direction so that the toes of his back foot and the heel of the forward foot are in the same line. This...

Skills and techniques

Skills and techniques: sprinting: a). the start: the placement of the starting blocks is essential to a good start. In this start, the front block is set in approximately 2-foot lengths from the staring line, and the back 3-to 4-foot lengths. These distances may very according to the sprinter's body structure, height, and length of limbs. The starting command are on your marks and set and the firing of the gun.In...

Jumping events

Jumping events: high jump pole vault long jump  triple jump The following events also take place, but are uncommon:  standing high jump  standing long jump standing triple jump Multiple event competitions multiple event competitions include events  from both the track (running) and field events. Pentathlon: the outdoor pentathlon includes the following five events: long jump javelin 200 meters discus 1500...

Track and field events

Track and field events: Running events conducted on a track  (generally 400 metres, except indoors: sprints are events up to and including the 400 metres events commonly contested are: 60 metres (indoors only) 100 metres 200 metres 400 metres middle distance events are events longer than sprints and up to 3000 metres. Events commonly contested are:  800 metres 1000 metres 1500 metres one mile 3000 metres 3000...

Panhellenic games

Panhellenic games: Annually, from 1796-1798 Olympiad de la republic was held in revolutionary France, and is an early forerunner to the modern summer Olympic games. The premier event of this competition was a footrace, but various ancient Greek disciplines were also on display. The 1796 Olympiad also marks the introduction of the metric system into sport. In the...

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